




植木の造園の依頼 剪定アフターケアの依頼は弊社までご連絡下さいね。

Today, I visited the customer’s house where I was planted at the end of the year with the condition of the tree and the cold manure.

For cold fertilizer, machine oil is sprayed with solid fertilizer with Chinese medicine in the ground based on oil lees and bone meal.

I’m very grateful that I can listen to various things such as how to use water in my relationship for more than 20 years. I was lovingly looking forward to the sprouting of spring.

I was told to ask because I wanted to take care of the tree, and I answered that I would do my best.



🔸@kouikuya こういくやの公式ライン又はホームページの問い合わせページから問い合わせ下さい。

店舗 個人住宅 会社 お寺 寺院 などの剪定管理 リフォーム 新築外構 など受けております。

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