There are many sightseeing buses and there is a large parking lot. As soon as you enter, you can see the five-storied pagoda on your right, and there is a pond in front of you. It is currently under construction and is scheduled to be completed in 3 years, and there is a large mountain in the background and it is a magnificent and dynamic scenery. Volunteers are actively working as tourist guides at the place just after entering. You can feel proud of the importance of this place by the locals, so please talk to them.

お寺 五重塔 将軍のお墓 など 綺麗に計画的に配置されています。大内氏に始まり毛利氏が受け継ぎ、京都の陰陽師を招いて風水によるまちづくりが行われていたそうです、五重塔やお寺 幕末の重要な会議ににも使われたこの場所はとても計画的に整備された空気感を感じられます、すぐそばに雪舟の晩年、過ごし亡くなった雲谷庵跡もあり興味深い場所です、また改めて伺いたいと思いました。
The temple, the five-storied pagoda, the shogun’s grave, etc. are beautifully plannedly arranged. Starting with Mr. Ouchi, Mr. Mori inherited it, and it seems that the town development was carried out by feng shui by inviting Onmyoji in Kyoto, and this place, which was also used for important meetings at the end of the Edo period, is a place that was used for important meetings at the end of the Edo period. You can feel a very planned atmosphere, soon There is also an interesting place where there is the remains of Unkoku-an who passed away in the last years of Sesshu, and I wanted to visit again.
風水とパワースポットの瑠璃光寺興味深いです。幕末のメンバー 薩長同盟の会議をした場所もあり明治維新への大切な会議の場所となった場所でもあります。
Ruriko-ji Temple, a feng shui and power spot, is interesting. There is also a place where the members of the end of the Edo period, the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance held a meeting, and it was also the place where it became an important meeting for the Meiji Restoration.
店舗 個人住宅 会社 お寺 寺院 などの剪定管理 リフォーム 新築外構 など受けております。
メールアドレス kouikuya@gmail.com まで