今回は今まで、お家の方が剪定を行なっておられていたのですが一回 プロの方にさっぱりと形を綺麗にして貰いたいと言う依頼でした。きっかけは以前から絵を描くことが自分は趣味で、ギャラリーの展示で色々な方のポストカードを展示する企画があり、自分も施主様と同じ出展メンバーでした。施主様が自分の絵を見てこの絵を描ける方なら剪定を任せたいと思われ依頼されました。最初の剪定を行なってから数年、毎年剪定を依頼させて貰っています。今年から年に2回の剪定依頼を頂き季節の合わせた、綺麗で虫のつきにくい状況を維持できる様になりました感謝です、精進させて貰います。
This time, up until now, people at home had been doing the pruning, but they wanted a professional to clean it up and give it a nice shape. It all started because I’ve always had a hobby of drawing, and there was a project to display postcards from various people at a gallery, and I was one of the exhibitors as well. The client looked at his picture and thought that if he could draw this picture, he would like to entrust the pruning to him, so he asked me to do the pruning. For several years since the first pruning, I have been asked to do pruning every year. Starting this year, I have been asked to prune twice a year, and I am now able to maintain a beautiful, insect-free environment that matches the seasons.I am grateful to you and will continue to do my best.