福山市の松永店と新涯店の植栽のデザインと植栽管理業務をさせて貰っています、植栽のイメージ 規模 アフターケアの管理など植えるだけでなく、管理のことも含めてデザインします、散水システムのプランも提示させて貰います。店舗や会社や病院などはスタッフの植栽の時間を割くことを避けたいです。色々と考え、デザインに落とし込みます。この新涯店のプランも色々と提案させて貰って、うちで施工となり、剪定作業も毎年2回剪定させて貰っています。異業種交流会で出会った人との縁で気に入ってもらい、今も付き合いが続いています感謝です。2012年のオープン当初の写真も入れました。もう11年も経つんですね。
I am responsible for the design and planting management of the planting of Matsunaga store and Shingai store in Fukuyama City, the image of planting scale I will not only plant such as management of aftercare, but also design including management, and also present a plan for the watering system. I’ll have it. Stores, companies, hospitals, etc. want to avoid taking time for staff to plant. I will think about various things and incorporate them into the design. We have been proposed various plans for this new Gai store, and it has been constructed at home, and the pruning work is also pruned twice a year. I’m grateful that they liked it because of the relationship with the people I met at the cross-industry exchange meeting. I also included a photo of the opening in 2012. It’s already been 11 years.